Kix Cereal

Lone Ranger Six-Shooter Ring from a KIx Cereal Box 1947 A3113

Regular price $125.00

You can see how tiny it is on that wooden finger we have posed it on. We miss getting treasure from our cereal. Cereal box not included. However General Mills still makes the same delicious puffed corn cereal they first introduced in 1937, making it the great precursor of all the other puffed cereals that came after.

We can't resist a little Lone Ranger lore: 

Brace Beemer became the third radio voice of the Lone Ranger on April 18, 1941, and remained so until the series's last new episode on September 3, 1954. During the 13 years that Beemer played the title character, he was required by contract to restrict his radio acting to that one role until the program left the air.

The experienced and popular Western film actor, Clayton Moore, was chosen to take over the role for the television series. Although Beemer had the right voice and had made many public appearances as the Ranger, he had no experience as a film actor, as he preferred radio and live performing to television. However, Beemer's voice as the character was so familiar that Moore imitated his sound in the earliest TV episodes.

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