Nothing on Clearance at the Moment
Check back in the fall
All stock shown in this collection is 50% off the listed price. So HERE IS HOW to get that discount:
Call us at our number (805) 351-0109 and we will handle the transaction as a phone sale, applying the discount.
Then ask us for a shipping quote on these items, or delivery. Those will be the additional charges. Or, you can arrange to pick your purchases up at the warehouse. Just let us know when you're coming.
We are usually in Wednesdays through Sundays from 10-4. If we don't pick up leave your number and we will get back to you as soon as we can!
We are constantly changing and adding to this moveable feast of bargains. It's time to let some old friends go. And we mean the good stuff. Pictures, pottery, furniture, objects... endless surprises, and, honestly, some great opportunities to own things that might previously have seemed out of reach.